Children’s EMDR Feedback

Some anonymized comments from Debra May’s child EMDR clients (permission has been granted from both the children and the children’s parents, but Debra has chosen to anonymize them to protect their confidentiality).

Child E (aged 16 years old)

“I’m not frightened anymore about going in the car when Mum drives.”

“It’s been good speaking to you about the accident because I couldn’t talk to my Mum and Dad, I was too upset. Before I had EMDR, I couldn’t talk to anybody, even my friends.”

Child F (age 4 years old)

Why do you think I met with you to play F? “Because I was sad Daddy would crash the car.”

What have you enjoyed most in the sessions with me? “Playing monsters, with the sand-tray and cars.”

What did you think before you saw me and we played? “I was unhappy and woke up frightened.”

How do you think now? “I am happy.”
