Would EMDR Work For Me?

If you’re wondering whether EMDR could work for you, as an adult, please find below a few scenarios where adults have had EMDR and have benefitted from it.

  • Male in his 20s presented with related anxiety due to fear of making presentations of ideas as part of his duties.
  • Female in late 50’s experiencing periodic agoraphobia, when she was unable to leave house.
  • Female in 40’s struggling with an eating disorder, whereby she would frequently overeat when stressed.
  • Male prison warden, assaulted by a prisoner, whereby the trauma from the incident was negatively impacting his personal life.
  • Female in early 40’s experiencing traumatizing flashbacks of the childhood sexual abuse she suffered by an uncle.
  • Female in late teens involved in a car accident which had left her fearful to go out and struggling in her personal relationships.
  • EMDR featured on BBC Radio 4s programme iPM

    The programme told the story of a woman revisiting intense experiences of being bullied very early in life, with event at just age four. Listen to here story here:

    Empirical support for EMDR

    EMDR is empirically supported as evidence based psychotherapy method for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) (ICD-10:F43.1: World Health Organization (WHO), 1992) and other mental health conditions (Shapiro, 2012). The WHO (2013) supports the use of EMDR with children, adolescents and adults with PTSD. Further endorsement for EMDR comes from many other sources: American Psychiatric Association (2004); National Institute of Health & Clinical Excellence (2005); Bisson and Andrew (2007); Pagani et al (2007); Van der Kolk et al (2007); International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (2009); Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defence (2010); California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (2010); The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (2011); Korn (2009); Maxfield (2009); Rothbaum, Astin & Marstellar (2005).


    EMDR Handbook for clients, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs
    EMDR Clinical Supervision & Consultation Resource Pack, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs
